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Is PvP/PvE balance achievable in Starbase?

... and better player retention with it Recently Lauri commented in forum topic about incoming sieges feature: “I wouldn't also classify healthy and unhealthy pvp by the actions itself but more by the effect it has to the playerbase: unhealthy pvp reduces playerbase, usually by either allowing griefing pve players or by not having pvp at all, which in turn leads pvp players to quit.” (Perhaps some of our readers are already a bit… agitated, patience, mateys, patience!) So, FB is on a quest for balance and, ultimately, player retention -- something we all can agree on, is a nice thing. But how to get there? Time for a healthy discussion! I gathered some good guests today. And they are: Subway   from Empire/1stRCT -- ace pilot, PvP and anti-piracy enthusiast (obviously will never target pirate press people). Inigma  from Interstellar Trading Corporation -- director with vision and aptitude to stand against forces of chaos. Negev  from Biohazard -- leader of said group, EVE veteran,
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Starbase PvP direction opinions: speed, detection, capitals, stations & more

Starbase PvP direction opinions Speed, detection, capitals, stations & more they are perceived in september 2021 Is the PvP dream of epic battles and system-wide immersive conflict on the right track?    While Starbase is a game deep in development , it is still very tempting to talk about incoming features -- how we see them, how we want them (or not) to be implemented.  Partly is manifested interest in the game. Partly, who knows?.. Maybe developers can use it as feedback too. Today we invited to proverbial table leaders and representatives of active PvP groups:  AlphaMatte from Promethean Guard TrueTurnIP from Nomads Conquestor from Content over Consent Best Waifu from Band of Outlaws TGess from the Empire. And two guests of honour to provide a bit wider perspective: Quevin -- one of the first and most notorious SB pirates, currently anti-LoD activist and Blazemonger -- space games enthusiast, well known to former Dual Universe players. 7 people and 7 questions. L et’s roll! Q1